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A man adjusting the harness of a woman wearing a helmet ready to take off on the Flåm Zipline
Cyclists on a gravel road next to the green Flåm Railway train. Mountains covered in forest.
A hand holding a paddle over a yellow kayak. Another kayaker, the Nærøøyfjord and mountains in the foreground.
Two blonde women smiling while patting a goat over a gate.
A woman taking a picture on her mobile phone of the Nærøyfjord and surrounding mountains in the sunshine
Hotel guests serving themselves from a buffet at Fretheim Hotel in Flåm
People sitting around tables on the terrace of the Hotel Aurlandsfjord. Houses and tall mountains in the background.
A man carrying skis on his shoulders by the Flåm Railway. Snow-covered mountains around.
A man in sunglasses and cap holding a plate of cured meat above a picnic blanket in a green field. Nærøyfjord and mountains in the background.
A group of three people walking along a path near a lake. Surrounded by green mountains with patches of snow.

Alternativ 2 Medium load

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed amet voluptatem et inventore accusantium qui eaque voluptatibus in nisi voluptatum aut esse voluptatum nam corporis necessitatibus aut asperiores tempore? Test inline widget - Flåmsbana

Book now! From NOK 590,-

Test Dynamisk pakke CBIS Professional

2 suppliers Norway's best og The Fjords 2 forskjellige lisenser

Ut earum unde qui consequatur repellendus ut aperiam quasi? Eos illum quasi et sunt reprehenderit est odio dolor eos debitis Quis At minima enim ea quidem tempora.

Test dynamsik pakke båt + buss

White rib boat in speed passing through Naeroyfjord in summer lush green & steep mountain sides plunge into sea

TEST External supplier online API inn mot iTicket

Non voluptas rerum ea excepturi commodi quo quia necessitatibus et eveniet exercitationem est sunt temporibus. Et doloribus quod qui incidunt dolores est libero repellat et vitae aliquam qui reiciendis fuga. Non quisquam voluptatibus ab ipsa facilis aut quaerat accusantium?

FjordSafari Extended Book now! From NOK 970,-

  • Period: 01.04 – 31.10 | Duration: 2 hours 15 min
  • Departure times: 01.04-30.04 & 01.10-31.10 | 09:15 & 12:00
  • Departure times: 01.05-30.09 | 09:15, 10:50, 12:00 & 13:30
Entrance of the Fjord Sauna with shoe shelf, bucket, and dock with views to the Aurlandsfjord and surrounding mountains.

Private sauna for 1-12 people

External supplier - API CBIS

You can only book private sauna experiences online. DURATION: 1,5 hours

Fjord Sauna Privat from NOK 2695,-

Test booking Fretheim Hotel

Non sapiente quibusdam ut rerum quae et voluptatibus saepe aut autem ipsum et pariatur delectus sit laudantium veritatis eum error quia. Quo dignissimos nihil quo deleniti maiores est quidem reiciendis ab tempore voluptatem. Et quam accusamus aut recusandae sapiente a voluptatem sint aut autem perspiciatis et magnam temporibus.

Test booking rooms Fretheim Hotel

Test Afternoon Tea Myrkdalen EN

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Id harum ducimus quo dolorem voluptatem sed atque tempore et voluptas sapiente ut asperiores rerum in ducimus sequi. es rerum. Ut repellat incidunt ut consequatur placeat ad velit odio.

TEST Booking Afternoon Tea Myrkdalen.com

TEST Privatundervisning - Alpin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eum quia incidunt qui fugiat unde non quia omnis eos animi eius et facere enim. Ut asperiores molestiae vel ullam quasi et sunt eius aut sapiente modi ex architecto rerum non cumque perferendis et quos consequatur.

TEST Privatundervisning Myrkdalen EN

TEST Overnatting Myrkdalen

Nam excepturi dolores ea nobis harum eum fugiat accusamus! Qui tempore modi At dolorem possimus est repudiandae laborum est ullam ratione vel officiis galisum est eveniet unde ad sunt accusantium.

TEST Accommodation Myrkdalen EN

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